Small Business Big Heart by Victoria Mora
Your struggles are NOT the end of your story. No matter what kinds of challenges you're facing, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.
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It's amazing how much suffering we can endure and still keep moving forward.
I grew up in a lower class family full of constant arguments, began working in our family restaurant at nine years old, found out my dad had cancer at fifteen, left home to support myself and my family at eighteen and barely finished high school in my twenties.

I’m a high sensitive person. This trait has made it difficult for me to manage my emotions and my energy at many times. For a few years I struggled with depression.

A myriad of health problems left me needing a bone marrow transplant as my body couldn't produce enough blood cells, and some epileptic seizures whose medication prevented me from becoming a mother and forced me to change my profession.

Sometimes, life does not give us a break.

And these constant challenges make us hard on ourselves, develop an inner voice that criticizes our every move and takes every opportunity to bring us down and stop us from becoming who we're meant to be.
But I'm here to tell you that I'm living proof people like us can emerge from the darkest depths and come back stronger than ever before.
Even those of us who are deprived of a normal life can win fights when all the winds seem to blow against.

I finally managed to live in a coherent way to my nature and that helped me improve my physical and emotional health. In this process, encouraging my creativity to change my mentality and adjust my type of work and daily life were the key.

I want to inspire you to get the same. To find what drives you through life, to find those special talents and values built into your core and to embrace yourself fully…

To draw a healthy balance between your mind and your body, keep your stress in check and know that there are people you can and should lean on.

Don't look at your setbacks as your doom, but rather your opportunities. And if you don't see any opportunities, create some!

Fighting yourself is the hardest battle you can endure and self-sabotage is your worst enemy… but bad times don't last forever.

You can get through it. After rock bottom, the only way out is up.

Often we end up quitting right before the finish line… and that's why I hope this book will encourage you to keep going just that little bit further.

Your past does not determine your future. Be sure.
There is always something you can do to improve, whatever your starting situation.
Grab this book now and join me on this journey to becoming your best self possible!
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